MARTYRIUM • by Scott Roads
It was a cold October day when Lily told me she was going to die. I still remember the chill of the wind on my face as I looked up at her in surprise. A moment before I had been… Continue Reading
It was a cold October day when Lily told me she was going to die. I still remember the chill of the wind on my face as I looked up at her in surprise. A moment before I had been… Continue Reading
I should’ve read the small print. Slowing down ageing sounds like a good idea, right? I was in my prime, and staying that way forever would be great. I took the deal. Aeons isn’t that different from forever, is it?… Continue Reading
Elias never forgot the day. His mother sewed by the fire. His father oiled a saddle. He told the therapist, “I was twelve. I’d been ill. Measles. The fever shifted something. I remember all at once feeling my mother’s presence… Continue Reading
Stealing requires finesse, timing, and attention to detail. I was trying to figure out which attribute I lacked as police sirens wailed in the background. “Next time, we steal something lighter!” my wife said. It was an example of her… Continue Reading
Anton Maier told me he was not a vampire, but he went out of his way to look like one. His gaunt, deeply wrinkled face was disturbing to begin with. He wore bespoke black pinstriped suits a hundred years out… Continue Reading
I helped Mr Grimley to his feet and together we stared at the gurney on which I had laid out his dead brother the previous night. It was some seconds before I realised it was down to me to break… Continue Reading