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Authors: we ask that you give us 90 days to reach a decision about your story submission. We’re doing our best to keep our response time as low as possible, but depending on the current volume of submissions, it may take us the full 90 days to get back to you. Revision requests — and only revision requests we’ve specifically asked for — are prioritized and if you haven’t heard back from us after 90 days, please give us a nudge.
We do not accept submissions via snail mail or email. Submissions can only be made via our online system.
All queries and reports of typos or technical difficulties should be made using the above form. It really is the fastest and best way to reach our entire editorial team all at once.
If you would like to send a snail mail communication for some reason, please use the above form to request the appropriate address. However, you should note that we prefer to save trees and postage by communicating electronically, and we can’t really think of anything you’d actually need to put in the post to us.
The Managing Editor can be reached directly, in the event that you have a concern requiring her personal attention: email camille [at] every day fiction [dot] com.
Get a real primitive feel from this story. Old. Ancient peoples. Ancient customs. Untamed land. This is great!
I enjoyed this story