Melissa Reynolds recommends a selection of stories from EDF’s archives.
I’ve been a part of the Every Day Fiction team for a little over a year now. At first I was shocked. “They want me? And my picture will be on the staff page?”
You see, I’d always heard that slush readers were the lowest team members, and best kept in their place. I never dreamed that at EDF, every team member would be treated with respect and their opinions matter, but that’s exactly how it is.
I’ve grown and learned so much from my time here, and I feel I owe a lot to my EDF family. The staff have shown me by example how to write a compassionate yet honest review, the authors have shown me wonderful, amazing stories and how powerful a gracious reply to feedback can be, and the readers, ever the measure of a story’s success, have shown me different angles or points that make me see stories in a new light.
I’ve loved my time here and want to thank you all for allowing me to be part of EDF.
My top stories are ones that have stuck with me over the past year. Stories are the core of why I’m here, so I’m tickled pink to be able to share some of my favorites:
- “The Promise” by JR Hume (literary)
- “The World as Seen by Angels” by Olivia Berrier (fantasy, inspirational)
- “Tell Me” by Edward Ashton (literary)
- “Final Message” by Dustin Adams (science fiction)
- “I Am Pirli, You Are Oona” by Sandy Parsons (science fiction)
- “Butter Face” by Ani King (literary)
- “Used Books” by Von Rupert (literary)
- “Dreadful Dirge Day” by Rollin T. Gentry (science fiction)
- “Colanders and the Kallikantzaroi” by James Zahardis (horror)
- “The God Mark” by Brian Toups (fantasy)
Melissa Reynolds is currently writing her first fantasy novel. She lives in Morgantown, West Virginia with her husband and four children. She enjoys the great outdoors and reading/volunteering in her children’s classrooms every week. Coffee is her fuel and Nutella is her guilty pleasure, along with marathons of Doctor Who and Supernatural. She is thrilled to be part of Every Day Fiction’s staff.