Podcast EDF165: Heart of Steel • by Jeremy Szal • read by Folly Blaine

Listen to “Heart of Steel” by Jeremy Szal, read by Folly Blaine:

As a result of indulging in video games and sci-fi and fantasy books when he really should be studying, Jeremy Szal has more friends in alternate worlds than the one he’s living in. He hopes to become a writer of very twisted science fiction novels. His work has been published (or is upcoming publication) at Blitz, Tharunka, Short-Story me, Robot and Raygun, Bewildering Stories, Barbwire Butterflies, Antipodean SF, and Every Day Fiction. His insane ramblings can be found over at jeremyszal.wordpress.com.

Folly Blaine is a writer living in the Pacific Northwest.

“Heart of Steel” by Jeremy Szal was originally published on March 13, 2014.

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