editorial by Camille Gooderham Campbell
From the Editors
So here we are, rolling into the final month of our eighth year of publication—and how strange that seems, to have been doing this so long. I hope all our Northern Hemisphere readers are enjoying the summer (and some beach/vacation reading time) and not suffering from extremes of temperature.
We’ve had a few hiccups with the website this past month, and we’re still working to get some of our erstwhile features back in place for you. Taking care of EDF is a big job for one person, so at the moment, we’re looking for a volunteer assistant webmaster to help EDF keep running smoothly. WordPress skills are an asset, any programming ability is nice.
We could also use a volunteer copy editor to help with proofreading stories and publishing them to the site. Great experience and a useful thing for one’s resume in the publishing field.
If you’d like to get involved, please contact us.
For Readers
As usual, we have lots of great stories for you this month; one for every day, in fact.
For Writers
We’re happy to welcome new slush readers Danielle Dyal and Glenn Mori to our team, while David Beavers leaves us to move on to other things. We expect to be adding a few more new people over the coming month as well.
And what do we need from you? Why, your Labour Day and back-to-school stories, of course. Your harvest and autumn stories. Your Halloween stories and your winter-is-coming stories. Bring them on.
August’s Table of Contents
Aug 1 | Edward Ashton | In the Dog Park |
Aug 2 | Sheryl Normandeau | The Graduation Gift |
Aug 3 | J.C. Towler | Gravity’s Edge Gifts |
Aug 4 | Rachel Harrison | We’ve Come to Ask You a Series of Questions |
Aug 5 | Daniel Ausema | The Gunpowder Resistance |
Aug 6 | Tony Press | Run for the Roses |
Aug 7 | Jordan Zetterlund | Paisley Ties And The Jaws Of Life |
Aug 8 | Regina Solomond | One Tuesday |
Aug 9 | Sean Mulroy | The Botanist and Her Daughters |
Aug 10 | Chelsea Hanna Cohen | My Husband Is A Frog |
Aug 11 | Aaron Knuckey | Innocent Childe |
Aug 12 | JT Gill | Full Circle |
Aug 13 | Diana Rohlman | 10 Seconds |
Aug 14 | Ian P. Harris | Moving Onwards |
Aug 15 | Wil Cabrera | The Master Password |
Aug 16 | Kelly Castillo | Duty, Honor, and Country |
Aug 17 | Hermine Robinson | Logorrhoea |
Aug 18 | Anne E. Johnson | Cinderella’s Tailor |
Aug 19 | Deirdre Coles | Third Saturday Morning in May |
Aug 20 | Anna Zumbro | The Call of the Void |
Aug 21 | Roderick Holl | Pulled Over on the Interplanetary Autobahn |
Aug 22 | Desiree Wilkins | The Emptiness |
Aug 23 | Helen Cattan-Prugl | Alice’s Monsters |
Aug 24 | Philip Wentz | Better Homes and Corgyn |
Aug 25 | Kathleen Molyneaux | New Year’s Dive |
Aug 26 | Sara Jackson | Casting Stones |
Aug 27 | Tim W. Boiteau | The Robbed |
Aug 28 | Robert Kibble | Survivor Guilt |
Aug 29 | Perry McDaid | Long Walk, Short Mesa |
Aug 30 | Kimberly Caldwell | Atonement |
Aug 31 | Joel Hunt | Confessions of a Superhero |