editorial by Camille Gooderham Campbell
From the Editors
We hope you’ve had a lovely celebration of your springtime feast of choice. Happy Easter if you celebrate it, Happy Passover if you celebrate it, and the joy of springtime to all!
Last month, we asked you to support our Kickstarter campaign for an anthology called Raygun Chronicles: Space Opera for a New Age. Thank you very much to everyone who rose to the occasion — we are delighted to announce that the crowdfunding campaign was a success and the book will be launched at OryCon in November. We hope that the opportunities this project may bring us will also open doors for EDF.
For Readers
For April Fools’ Day today, we’re featuring Paul A. Freeman‘s story “April Fool”, and then for Tax Day on April 15th we will be bringing you “April Holiday” by Lori Schafer. We hope you enjoy these stories.
You may also notice rather more fantasy stories than usual this month; for some reason we had a lot of that genre in, with the usual complement of literary fiction, and very little of anything else — only a few horror pieces, and no science fiction at all. We try our best to offer you an evenly balanced blend of genres and styles, but sometimes the supply just doesn’t match the demand. So please enjoy (a somewhat unintentional) Fantasy Month at EDF.
For Writers
We still need stories for Mother’s Day and Victoria Day and Memorial Day (and those need to be submitted by April 26th, please).
Thank you very much to those who responded to our Facebook call for April Fools’ Day stories. We enjoy being able to feature fitting stories for special days of every sort, and it’s great to have a community of authors willing to take up a short-notice challenge to fill a void — we wish we could have chosen all of them to show our appreciation, but of course that’s not possible since we only publish one story on the day.
And now, without further ado, here’s what you’ve been waiting for:
April’s Table of Contents
Apr 1 | Paul A. Freeman | April Fool |
Apr 2 | Patrick Perkins | Lost and Found |
Apr 3 | Christopher Owen | Café Terrace at Night |
Apr 4 | Chelsea Resnick | Two-Timer |
Apr 5 | Gareth Barsby | The Mummy |
Apr 6 | D. A. D’Amico | Hush Honey |
Apr 7 | Danielle Posner Sykes | Gloria |
Apr 8 | Donna Buck | Namaste |
Apr 9 | Kristine Dukes | Eternity on a Harley |
Apr 10 | Sarah L. Byrne | And Though Worms Destroy |
Apr 11 | Sarah Crysl Akhtar | Lying in the Little Bear’s Bed |
Apr 12 | Todd Wheeler | The Wolfsbane Incantation |
Apr 13 | Audrey Kalman | Bad Luck With Cats |
Apr 14 | Paige McKinney | Strange Brew |
Apr 15 | Lori Schafer | April Holiday |
Apr 16 | Gavin Broom | Wish You Were Here |
Apr 17 | Robert J. Santa | Happily Ever After |
Apr 18 | Tara Calaby | Wound |
Apr 19 | Maureen Bowden | Hostage |
Apr 20 | Harry Packer | The End of Young |
Apr 21 | Rex L. Adams | The Sound of His Dying |
Apr 22 | Aaron Levy | Lucy’s Life |
Apr 23 | Georgina Allen | Wish Fulfilment |
Apr 24 | Deirdre Coles | Leavetaking |
Apr 25 | Paige Zubel | For Two |
Apr 26 | Chris Antenen | Dark Meat |
Apr 27 | Cheryl Diane Kidder | Falling Toads |
Apr 28 | Mike A. Scalzitti | Everything is Beautiful |
Apr 29 | Alison Burgin | The Book Club |
Apr 30 | Chaz Salembier | Tomorrow We’ll Be Anything |