“CLAWS” • by LB Thomas
“I had a dream last night.” “That’s good. It means you were sleeping.” “I had a childhood toy, a stuffed tiger in a suit with a purple top-hat. I called him Fuzz. He was in my dream.” “Childhood can be… Continue Reading
LB Thomas is a writer and musician from a small town in Montana you’ve never heard of. His fiction has appeared in Crimespree Magazine, Theory Magazine, and Opsis Literary Arts Magazine.
“I had a dream last night.” “That’s good. It means you were sleeping.” “I had a childhood toy, a stuffed tiger in a suit with a purple top-hat. I called him Fuzz. He was in my dream.” “Childhood can be… Continue Reading
Dr. Qwig’s School of Dark Science can only be accessed through an alleyway entrance along Watterson Street, halfway between 47th and 48th Avenues. During school hours, Maryanne Bleach sits on a wooden stool just behind the steel door and listens… Continue Reading