A snowman was murdered last night.
Tire tracks ran across the front lawn.
This murder wasn’t on the 10 o’clock news or on the front page of the paper this morning.
There wasn’t even a tiny blurb in the local paper.
Nobody cares about a snowman, right?
It’s just a bunch of snow rolled into balls with some sticks and rocks, probably made by a kid.
Maybe this kid had nothing better to do.
Or maybe he waited all year for the first snowfall.
Maybe his eyes lit up during math class when the first flakes fell.
Maybe he was the first outside waiting for his mom when the principal called an early dismissal.
A little boy rushing into his house and back out in less than a minute with his snowsuit on.
Spending the entire day gathering, shaping, and creating until it was perfect.
Too excited for dinner, he spent the time calling his grandparents and friends to tell them about his snowman, while he stared out his front window at it. They all came by this morning to see it.
When the little boy woke up at the crack of dawn in excitement, threw his boots and snowsuit on, and ran out the door… maybe he sat and cried.
A snowman was murdered last night.
Tire tracks ran across the front lawn.
This murder wasn’t on the 10 o’clock news or on the front page of the paper this morning.
There wasn’t even a tiny blurb in the local paper.
Nobody cares about a snowman, right?
Shaun Simon is an American comics writer. He is currently writing The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys with Gerard Way for Dark Horse Comics.