Jenny felt inside her pocket.  There was a small, smooth pebble that she’d been hiding since she was tiny.  A multi-dimensional creature had appeared to her and begged her to keep it safe.  If she dug her fingernail into it…

But she mustn’t.  She mustn’t.  She had to be strong.

See, it was the self-destruct button for the universe.

And…  She knew she shouldn’t use it.

She shouldn’t.

But she dug her fingernail in anyway.

And everything was over.  Forever.

Mary E. Lowd writes stories and collects creatures. She’s had three novels and more than fifty short stories published. Her fiction has won an Ursa Major Award and two Cóyotl Awards. Meanwhile, she’s collected a husband, daughter, son, and bevy of cats and dogs. The stories, creatures, and Mary all live together in a crashed spaceship disguised as a house in Oregon.

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