SEEING RED • by Guy Belleranti

Sally prided herself on always looking her best. She went to only the best hair salons, wore only the best clothing and drove only the best cars.

However, her new contact lenses were a huge disappointment. “I can’t wear these lenses,” Sally told her optometrist.

“Are they uncomfortable?” the woman asked. “They shouldn’t be, but–”

“No,” Sally cut in. “They fit fine. It’s the prescription. It’s too strong.”

“Too strong? Oh, but it only seems that way. You’ll adjust in no time.”

“No. I need a weaker prescription. Similar to what I used to have.”

“But, Sally, your eyes have changed. Give it a couple of days and I guarantee you’ll adjust. You’ll realize how much better you can see.”

“But that’s just the problem,” Sally cried.

The optometrist blinked. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“I don’t like how much better I can see. I can see everything now. Every wrinkle, every gray hair, every gained pound!”

Guy Belleranti writes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, puzzles and humor for both adults and children. A few of the places in which his work has recently appeared include Woman’s World, Mouth Full of Bullets, Capper’s and the LA Times Kids’ Reading Room. Some of his mystery and horror short stories are available at

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