Podcast EDF114: Oranges • by Gay Degani • read by Folly Blaine

Listen to “Oranges” by Gay Degani, read by Folly Blaine:

Gay Degani has published on-line and in print including her own collection, Pomegranate Stories. She is editor-emeritus of EDF’s Flash Fiction Chronicles, a staff editor at SmokeLong Quarterly, and blogs at Words in Place. Nominated twice for a Pushcart, her story, “Something about L.A.,” won the 11th Annual Glass Woman Prize.

Folly Blaine is a writer living in the Pacific Northwest.

“Oranges” by Gay Degani was originally published on July 26, 2011. The author has since updated the story, as reflected in the podcast, and the new version will be available in her upcoming chapbook, “Rattle of Want.”


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