Listen to “It’s A Living” by Heather Holland Wheaton, read by Matt Cowens:
Heather Holland Wheaton is the author of two short story collections: Eight Million Stories in a New York Minute and Wet Paint. Eight Million Stories has sold nearly 2000 copies and has been listed in the annual Time Out Guide New York as “Suggested Further Reading” since 2005. Besides Every Day Fiction, her work has appeared in P.I.M., The Morning News, Common Ground and Slipstream. Her stories “Rain” and “Coats” are from her new collection, You Are Here, coming in April 2011.
Matt Cowens is a writer and high school English and Media Studies teacher living on the Kapiti Coast of New Zealand. He has taught English in Japan, designed and produced card games, written and illustrated comics and is an enthusiastic amateur video maker.
“It’s A Living” by Heather Holland Wheaton was originally published on January 15, 2011.