From the Editors
For Readers:
Welcome back to another month of great flash fiction at Every Day Fiction! We are pleased to announce that EDF has been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal as one of their Things Worth Checking Out on the Web. Looks like our authors are turning some heads in New York!
Last month was one of our most well-received months so far, and May is sure to raise the bar again, with stories from authors like Nicholas Ozment, Alexander Burns, and a new story by David Macpherson, author of last month’s acclaimed fantasy story, “Wing Mending“.
Some readers, after connecting with a favourite story, have asked us how they can read more stories by a particular author. Well, there are four easy ways to find more stories:
- Click the link in their bio. If an author has a webpage, we link to it. Often they post all kinds of free fiction at their sites, or at least links to where you can find more of their work.
- Click on the “Authors” tab at the top of this page and find your author in the list. All of the stories that they’ve published with EDF will be listed in the linked page. For instance, this is Kevin Shamel’s author page. Notice that he has four stories published with EDF.
- Entering an author’s name in the search box to your right should also bring up their work.
- Visit the forums! EDF has a Shameless Self Promotion Forum where authors are able to promote their off-site work. This is a great way not only to find more stories, but also some truly wonderful magazines.
If you have any comments or suggestions on what else we can do to enhance your reading experience, please let us know. That said, we hope you enjoy our May stories!
For Writers:
We have a very special announcement to make. Shawn McCullough of Old Radio Fun has offered to donate a free copy of 95 Five Minute Mysteries to every author who is published in June. Old Radio Fun specializes in providing CDs packed with easy-to-listen-to MP3s of old time radio programs and serials. So get those submissions flying!
The success of the EDF forums has inspired us to continue on with our philosophy of building a writing community on the web for writers of short fiction. To that end, we are implementing a few new, author-specific features in May.
- The author page I linked to earlier contains all of the stories you’ve published on EDF, and will contain your picture if you’ve set one up in the forums. We have plans to greatly enhance this page, allowing you to post links to stories that you’ve published in other magazines, and generally promote your writing in one central location (for those of you who don’t already have a web presence). If you have suggestions for features that you’d like to see on this page, please post them in the forums or contact us.
- EDF is now offering free forums to our published authors. You will get a forum in the EDF forum page with your name on it where you will be able to interact with your fans. It will be full-featured, e-mailing you automatically when a fan posts a message in this forum. You will be a moderator and be able to use it as you see fit (but keep in mind that EDF is a family magazine. Well. Kinda). How do you set one up? Just ask.
- With certain limitations, EDF will be offering forums to authors who have been published outside of our pages. If you know an author who needs a place to interact with their fans, please have them send us a request and a bio.
April’s Table of Contents
May 1 | Gianna De Persiis Vona | Pink Taffeta |
May 2 | Mark Dalligan | Alone |
May 3 | Oonah V Joslin | The Heron |
May 4 | Patrice Horwitz | A Present Past |
May 5 | Nicholas Ozment | The Man Who Loved Squirrels |
May 6 | Kevin Shamel | The Hero and The Horror |
May 7 | Angela Carlton | The Beach Cottage |
May 8 | Bill West | Winding Down to Retirement |
May 9 | Rachel Green | Coming of Age |
May 10 | Ty Johnston | The Note |
May 11 | Diane D. Gillette | Wilted Blossoms |
May 12 | Frank Roger | Working Like A Dog |
May 13 | William I Lengeman III | The Day Michael Flew |
May 14 | Brett J Cryer | Can You Dig It? |
May 15 | Melissa A. Bartell | Waspish |
May 16 | Heather Kuehl | Fire and Brimstone |
May 17 | Greta Igl | The Burning Black |
May 18 | K.J. Young | Paroxysm No More |
May 19 | Gustavo Bondoni | In Search of the Bush |
May 20 | Bill Ward | Priority Won |
May 21 | Kim McDougall | Twenty-five Prayers |
May 22 | Alexander Burns | Aftershocks |
May 23 | Ryan P. Standley | Final Moments |
May 24 | James C. Clar | A Casualty of the Truth |
May 25 | David Macpherson | A Walk in the Cities |
May 26 | L.E. Elder | The Hit |
May 27 | Joel Willans | One Bright Moment |
May 28 | Vijayendra Mohanty | Arrow’s Way |
May 29 | Hasmita Chander | A Dog’s Life |
May 30 | Deven D Atkinson | All That Glitters |
May 31 | Sarah Hilary | Mug’s Game |
Last Words:
EDF would not be the magazine it is without the very generous support of our authors, many of whom decline payment for their work and instead donate it to the magazine. We’d like to thank each and every one of you.
Several readers have also chosen to donate using the “Donate” button located on the side bar:
EDF would like to thank Nik Hawkins for his contribution of $5. Nik is the author of the popular story The Weald Maiden’s Will. His other work can be seen in the Flashing Swords Press anthology The Return of the Sword and Magic and Mechanica, forthcoming from Ricasso Press.
EDF would like to thank Gaia Stone Jewelry for their generous contribution of $30.
EDF would like to thank author Mike Whitney for his generous contribution of $9. Mike is the author of the popular story “The Test” and writes from Clay County, North Carolina. The Clay County Progress publishes his weekly entertainment column, Livin’ in the Hills. Columns are archived at