From the Editors
For Readers
As of March 1st, Every Day Fiction is entering its seventh month of operations. That’s right, we’re over the “six month hump”! As word spreads, we’re getting more and more submissions, which means that we are able to be extremely selective and bring you the finest stories from the finest authors writing short fiction today.
This month, we’re bringing you stories from recent Writers of the Future Semi-Finalist Suanne Warr, a science fiction piece from Gay Degani (third place finisher in the Preditors & Editors Readers’ Choice Awards short story–romance category for her story “One Question“) and St. Patrick’s Day fiction from Oonah V Joslin and Robert Swartwood. Unfortunately, we have no Easter-themed pieces, because no one sent us any.
For Writers
We’ve been gradually implementing some changes to our submission process–including the fact that you now need to log in to submit a story–which should soon allow us to add some very cool features for you, such as the ability to view the status of your submissions online. However, there are of course minor hiccups with any new system, and ours is no exception; thank you very much to all those who have acted as guinea pigs, reported bugs, and given feedback. Your patience and support are endlessly appreciated.
March’s Table of Contents