His heart was not where he left it.
He checked under the futon but only found dust. He swept away the dust so the sun reflected in the floor but he still couldn’t find it.
He looked in the refrigerator. There was so much food inside that he couldn’t see all the way to the back. So he ate the food and looked. It wasn’t there either.
Time was slipping away and soon he had to go to work. He already knew his heart wasn’t there but he looked under a promotion just to be sure.
Maybe it was in another town. He looked at a map and tried to hunt it down. He’d never been to any of the places he thought his heart might be.
He tried Googling it but there were no hits.
Finally he picked up a few words and started making himself a new one.
Kyle McCarty lives, works and writes in Springfield, IL. He has a microblog at brvty.net that is updated Tuesday through Thursday at midnight. He also likes music and a bunch of other stuff.