Back From Disaster…

After a catastrophic failure of our website host, we’re back! Unfortunately, the host had to restore the site from a January 2023 backup — it will take some time to repost the stories published between then and now but that’s in progress. Huge apologies for all this chaos!

To best stay up to date, please join our Discord server:

If anyone has emailed us using any of the email addresses, please reach out to us on Discord as we will likely not have received it. We are currently not sure how reliable the contact forms are or will be, until we’ve completed migration to a new web host.

We will shortly be announcing a new editor joining our team, and we’re still looking for more team members. Again, Discord is the best way to express your interest in this for the moment, until the email issues are rectified.


Camille Gooderham Campbell
Managing Editor

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Every Day Fiction