Author Interviews

Each month, the author with the top-rated story for the past month at EDF is featured in a special Author Interview in our Flash Fiction Chronicles blogzine for writers.


The Interviews

(most recent at the top)

February 2014FFC interviews Audrey Kalman for her story “Now You Are a Public Nuisance

January 2014FFC interviews Rohini Gupta for her story “Resolution

December 2013FFC interviews Bojan Ratcovic for his story “Sophie

November 2013FFC interviews Carl Steiger for his story “The Man Named Luis

October 2013FFC interviews JR Hume for his story “Speed Demon and Clockwork Dancer

September 2013FFC interviews Milo James Fowler for his story “Night Stalking

August 2013FFC interviews Milo James Fowler for his story “Captain Quasar and the Pestiferous Pirates of Narvana 6

July 2013FFC inteviews Ian Florida for his story “The Only Gifts We Give

June 2013FFC interviews Lynn Vroman for her story “In Her Eyes

May 2013FFC interviews Don Raymond for his story “A Map of Unknown Places

April 2013FFC interviews Todd Wheeler for his story “The Wolfsbane Incantation

March 2013FFC interviews Michelle Ann King for her story “Not the Pizza Girl

February 2013FFC interviews Madeline Mora-Summonte for her story “Mrs. Drake’s Monsters

January 2013FFC interviews Kevin McNeil for his story “The Merry Jester

December 2012FFC interviews Mickey Hunt for his story “Deprescience

November 2012FFC interviews Dustin Adams for his story “The Gift

October 2012FFC interviews Gretchen Bassier for her story “The Pumpkin Master

September 2012FFC interviews Warren C. Easley for his story “The Promise

August 2012FFC interviews Olivia Kate Cerrone for her story “Leaving Teknaf

July 2012FFC interviews Nicholas Lee Huff for his story “Smitten

June 2012FFC interviews Matt Daly for his story “Strikethrough

May 2012FFC interviews Warren C. Easley for his story “To Catch a Wolf

April 2012FFC interviews Ao-Hui Lin for her story “Navel Gazing

March 2012FFC interviews Sarah Pinsker for her story “Broken Stones

February 2012FFC interviews Milo James Fowler for his story “Captain Quasar and the Popularity Contest on Goobalox Five

January 2012FFC interviews Ben Carey for his story “The Smell of Things to Come

December 2011FFC interviews Sandra Crook for her story “Biting the Hand that Feeds You

November 2011FFC interviews Divya Raghavan for her story “Bulletproof

October 2011FFC interviews John Eric Vona for his story “There Are Those Who Have the Stars…

September 2011FFC interviews Kyle McCarty for his story “Heart

August 2011FFC interviews Jennifer Fierro for her story “Flowers for Clockwork Street

July 2011FFC interviews Randall Brown for his story “Shades

June 2011FFC interviews Sarah Evans for her story “Mistaken

May 2011FFC interviews Barry Friesen for his story “Hat Trick

April 2011FFC interviews Charlie Bowers for his story “Spermicidal

Prior to 2011, the interviews were offered for the most-read story rather than the top-rated story. When the interviews were transitioned to FFC, it became apparent that readership stats reporting between magazines presented an obstacle to regular interviews, and after another unplanned hiatus, the switch to top-rated story rather than most-read story smoothed everything out.

April 2010FFC interviews Mickey Mills for his story “The Newly Dead of Winter

March 2010FFC interviews Gaius Coffey for his story “Terry and the Eye

Prior to 2010, the interviews were published in EDF rather than the then-fledgeling FFC. The interviews unfortunately took place increasingly sporadically, outside the core mandate of the magazine, and then lapsed into an unintentional hiatus before the transition to FFC.

December 2009EDF interviews JR Hume for his story “Tears of the Android

April 2009EDF interviews Aaron Polson for his story “The Sub-Basement

February 2009EDF interviews Krystyna Smallman for her story “Monster

January 2009EDF interviews Guy Anthony De Marco for his story “Steaks

October 2008EDF interviews Celeste Goschen for her story “Life Without Jerry

September 2008EDF interviews Greta Igl for her story “Free

August 2008EDF interviews Alex Moisi for his story “With Love Forever Yours

July 2008EDF interviews Nicholas Ozment for his story “The Only Difference Between Men and Boys

June 2008EDF interviews Jason Stout for his story “Larry Legend

May 2008EDF interviews Joel Willans for his story “One Bright Moment

April 2008EDF interviews Michael Ehart for his story “Without Napier

March 2008EDF interviews Gay Degani for her story “The Breach

February 2008EDF interviews D.A. Heiserman for his story “Level Cap

January 2008EDF interviews Oonah V Joslin for her story “Resolution

December 2007EDF interviews Rena Sherwood for her story “Peter and Sid

November 2007EDF interviews Joseph Riippi for his story “Views

October 2007EDF interviews Ramon Rozas III for his story “Security Question

September 2007EDF interviews Christopher Kastensmidt for his story “Between the ‘Sheets’


Special Birthday Interviews

September 2009EDF interviews Kevin Shamel on our 2nd Birthday!

September 2008EDF interviews Sarah Hilary on our 1st Birthday!