Listen to “I Remove My Finger Sheaths Before Feasting” by Gerald Warfield, read by Alexander Jones:
Gerald Warfield ’s short story, “The Poly Islands,” won second prize in the first quarter of the 2011 Writers of the Future contest. The same year, his humorous story “The Origin of Third Person in Paleolithic Epic Poetry” took first place in the nationally syndicated Grammar Girl short story contest. “Spores of the Volcano” appeared in NewMyths and the Campbellian 2014 Anthology. “Return of the Mayflower” is scheduled to appear in Perihelion. Several of his flash pieces have previously appeared in Every Day Fiction. Gerald published music textbooks and how-to books in investing before turning to fiction. He is a graduate of the Odyssey Writers Workshop (2010) and a member of SFWA.
Alexander Jones lives in the Pacific Northwest, where he works in video game development and indulges his love of good food and fine drink.
“I Remove My Finger Sheaths Before Feasting” by Gerald Warfield was originally published on November 26, 2014.