A MAN’S DOG • by Dan Keeble
Tom saw the smirk approaching. There was no way to avoid it. Worse still, it was spread across the face of Conor. If ever a snigger or sneer needed removing with the back of a hand, it would belong to… Continue Reading
Tom saw the smirk approaching. There was no way to avoid it. Worse still, it was spread across the face of Conor. If ever a snigger or sneer needed removing with the back of a hand, it would belong to… Continue Reading
Dusk. Fresh flakes of floating snow lit the mountain. Douglas Firs strained under the weight of white blankets. A silence where even a pulse could be heard. He was outside. I could feel him. And I knew he could sense… Continue Reading
As Dave lowered his head, she swiped her hand across his face. Fingernails scored his skin, and he felt blood on his cheek. Her face showed no emotion. Her eyes, deep in the dark shadows of her sallow complexion, were… Continue Reading
I admit to looking down on them. Old men, stooping, dragging their miserable bodies and depressing outlooks into the paths of those still drinking life. The embers of their fading passion spent on letters to local papers complaining about technological… Continue Reading
“What will you do with Jack’s… Jack?” Jenny stumbled. Helen glanced at the urn on the mantelpiece. Her blue eyes moistened. “I need to give it some serious thought.” Jenny blushed. “Of course,” she said. “I’m not putting it off.… Continue Reading